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BTR North London Social Run

BTR Social Run London Sat 30th Sept 9am Hampstead Heath Overground.

The run will be led by Lirf Run Coach @mohsonstars

Everyone is invited, this is an introduction to the trails & for all run abilities. We will warm up, connect, understand the route planned and terrain. We are looking at 5k covered in around 45-60 mins.

We leave no one behind and we will be walking, jogging, running and taking lots of cute breaks to soak up the scenery, take pics and enjoy connection & conversation.

Hampstead Heath (locally known simply as the Heath) is an ancient heath in London, spanning 320 hectares (790 acres). This grassy public space sits astride a sandy ridge, one of the highest points in London, running from Hampstead to Highgate, which rests on a band of London Clay. The heath is rambling and hilly, embracing ponds, recent and ancient woodlands, a lido, playgrounds, and a training track, and it adjoins the former stately home of Kenwood House and its estate. The south-east part of the heath is Parliament Hill, from which the view over London is protected by law.

Please wear suitable clothing and shoes as this is a trail run taking in foot paths, fields, and forest. Bring layers, waterproofs, snacks and water. For safety trail shoes are preferred.

It can be daunting doing something new with new people, so please DM me any questions, queries and concerns. We want to knock down all barriers to entry, make you feel seen, heard, comfortable and included. Let’s democratise the outdoors and exhale as we feel grounded and present together.

Start and finish outside HAMPSTEAD HEATH OVERGROUND.

If people want to decompress, stretch and grab a coffee after to connect we will.

We Are BTR!

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